
Machine Translation: a game changer for your business

Straight from the heart chapter 20


Human translations are time-consuming. A typical human translates between 2,500 to 3,000 words in a day using CAT tools. Such translations, therefore, become expensive. While some translations require human editing, a large percentage of these can be delivered by MT.
MT can be used in 2 ways. Either with a Translation Management System (TMS) or stand-alone. Both LSPs and corporates must use MT through a TMS, which gives them (a) ability to perform corrections before using the translations (b) provides the users a valuable experience and confidence for progressively and intelligently using the MT to their advantage. A good TMS provides statistics on how well your MT is working for you, what kind of content does it handle well and what it does not. You can then also discuss with your MT provider to seek specific enhancements that will make MT more beneficial for you.
MT can provide your business a real time communication capability in any language in any communication channel. Your customer may send you an email or a message in his/her native language, MT will translate it in your language, you can respond in your language and MT will deliver it in customer’s native language. MT can also give you real time voice communication capability across languages.
MT is a tool that can go a long way in improving your market reach, customer acquisition, and customer delight. Ability to communicate with your customers in their native language, increases trust and the relationship becomes sticky and strong. The new capabilities added by MT to your business can be a game changer for you.