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MoxWords Translation Unlimited



Language services are showing greater potential and demonstrating strong growth indicators in 2023. It’s an exciting time for language service providers, as translation services are in high demand this year. Some of the common challenges in the translation industry are manual submission of translation requests to the language service providers, repetitive work, inefficient billing management, lack of insight or visibility in the translation process, subjective management of translation quality, etc. Automation of redundant and repetitive tasks in translation is an effective way for language service providers to generate more business and expand their translation portfolios. Process Nine introduces an intuitive computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool, Mox- Document Translation Services that can enable high-end automation and enhanced productivity in translation services

What is Mox-Words? What does it offer?

MoxWords is a unified computer-assisted translation platform that streamlines the entire translation project by automating repetitive tasks and time-consuming activities associated with the process. MoxWords supports over 80 Indian and international languages.

What are the features of MoxWords?

Mox Words has a robust centralized data storage along with impeccable translation memory. While centralized data storage provides easy access to translation projects, the translation memory eliminates the hassle of translating every single text from scratch. MoxWords has a professional and user-friendly interface with various options for customization. Using this platform, the project manager can check the real-time status of the project, perform a spell check, and term-base check, and do fuzzy matching. Some of the key features of  MoxWords include,

  • User Management
  • Project Management
  • Content Management
  • Translation and Review Management
  • Billing Management

User Management

The MoxWords platform supports four distinct user types -Admin, Project Manager, Translator, and Proofreader. The admin can create an unlimited number of users, and modify or deactivate their access with the help of the user support team from Process Nine.  The project manager can access all the translation projects and can assign individual tasks for translation and proofreading. The translators can access their assigned projects and the proofreaders can access the completed projects that need to be reviewed in the respective languages. Every user gets secured and password-protected access to the translation platform along with options like ‘forgot password’ and ‘ support section’.

Project Management

MoxWord’s project management feature lets the project manager create projects, tasks, and subtasks for various clients. With this feature, each translation project can be divided into small parts and assigned to multiple translators and proofreaders. The admin or project manager can track each translator and proofreader’s work progress in real-time using intuitive dashboards. This feature also includes creating and managing client terminologies, delivery file formats, and style guides. This feature helps to deliver translation projects on time without any last-minute surprises from non-responsive translators.

Content Management

This feature is the key to maximizing content optimization and helps in implementing client-specific customizations. With this feature, large documents in a translation project can be segmented into smaller paragraphs, and sentences to manage duplication in text.  An efficient content optimization process ensures that the content will not need to be reworked once it has been completed. A translator sees only the text that needs to be translated, and the output file is formatted automatically. If the input file is in XML format, the translator does not come across any codes, but only the text that needs to be translated. However, the output file will have the codes in the right places and will be precisely formatted. Whenever a text is translated, it automatically updates all the duplicate entries in the remaining content. The automatic creation of translation memory attributes for the management of duplicates between different files and projects.  This feature also comprises the creation and management of client-specific terminologies and style guides.

Translation and Review Management

The MoxWord’s translation and review management feature includes spell check in all Indian and international languages, calculation of word count for every updated text, fuzzy matching for maintaining uniformity, and discreet views for managing the translations and transliterations. MoxWave, the neural machine translation system provides high-quality machine translations and reduces the error rate during review with built-in checks and balances. Translations can be marked for later review if the translator has any doubts about the accuracy. With this feature, the speed and efficiency of translators can be increased by 50%.

Billing Management

This feature ensures a hassle-free and accurate billing experience for translators and language service providers at the end of a month or the project. Automatic word calculation is done on each completed job daily and every billing information is stored in cloud storage. With this feature, separate billing information can be maintained for clients and translators. Translators’ daily progress on a project can be viewed through intuitive dashboards. Billing can be made easier by creating month-wise or project-based views of completed work. The details pertaining to every customer can be also viewed separately for billing purposes. This feature helps in enhancing transparency and trust in the business by streamlining the billing process for translators, proofreaders, clients, etc.

What are the benefits of MoxWords?

The MoxWord streamlines and standardizes the entire translation process and establishes seamless communication across various stakeholders in the project through a single platform. The translators can make a good impression on their customers by making a swift turnaround of the projects while maintaining best-in-class quality.  Utilizing MoxWords, all redundant translation tasks can be automated, which enhances the entire translation portfolio. Language service providers and independent translators can make data-driven decisions by viewing their work progress in real-time through intuitive dashboards and by generating comprehensive reports on the translation project.

How can MoxWords help your business?

Process Nine Technologies has translated over 1 billion words for more than 100 customers. MoxWords is a cost-effective and customizable tool for managing high-volume translation projects. By utilizing Mox-Document Translation Services, businesses can save time, effort, and money while ensuring high-quality translations. This tool simplifies translation management and accelerates the turn-around time of each project. With this computer-assisted translation tool, language service providers and independent translators can streamline their business, generate more customers and increase their profit margins.